Monday, September 12, 2011

Henry the Gender-Confused Wall Mount

One day while driving I came upon a small rummage sale...well actually it was a nice lady who was a self-proclaimed hoarder selling several great items for cheap.  I saw this lovely frame with great potential and she said it would cost $2.00.


Did you get that? I know. Crazy stuff.

After himming and hawing it came to me.  I decided to recreate a sort of quirky decor piece I have seen in books, magazines, and stores such as Anthropologie or Urban Outfitters.  But I honestly didn't think I could do it myself until I saw this great tutorial at Vintage Revivals.  I basically did the same thing as Mandi, but with less great photos.

You can start to see the form here, but trust me, Henry (yes, she has a name, and yes, no antlers=she) was formed from humble beginnings as a few large balls of newspaper taped together.

 I soon realized that Henry would be much lighter if I gutted her a bit.  At the final stages she was pretty heavy with all that paper mache and all, so it was a good choice to hollow her out as much as I could.  I also folded over the edges at the base of her neck so she would glue on evenly to the frame.

Three or four coats of paper mache was applied.  You can find some good directions on paper mache-ing here.

Meanwhile I removed the back of my $2 frame and spraypainted it with Krylon Ballet slipper and I spraypainted the backing Krylon Classic Gray.  I then used Krylon's Metallic Gold to spray Henry.  Make sure to let it all dry for about half an hour to be safe.  I screwed the back in and used hot glue to attach Henry to her mount.

What a Beaut!

Love the detail in the frame!!

Also linked up at:

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