Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Chevron Bulletin Board

Total failure to have decent before pics yet again.  Well, in your mind imagine this as just a plain bulletin board that I found in my parent's basement.

I then painted it with a stencil.  But I hated it, so then I did this:

I painted the cork board blue all over, the same blue that I used on Big Beauty.
I then cut out a triangle with equal sides to create a 45 degree angle.  I continued to mark it with a pencil at 3" intervals until I reached the top.

I then taped it up!  I taped away every other zigzag line.
Then came the white paint.  I let it all dry and removed the tape.
Then I taped off the inside edges (make sure all paint is DRY)  and painted the border a neon yellow.


Unfortunately here she is with her purpose in mind,  but I know the true beauty that lies beneath that paper!

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