Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Festive Topiary

Hello there.

In my last post I debuted the heavily decorated mantel.  Now it's time for an awesome tutorial regarding the two topiaries on either side of the mantel.  I know you love them.  Cause I do.  
And so does my mom.

Here is a picture (or two) to remind you of their wonderfulness.

Disregard the old family pictures

Now for the how to.

Supplies you will need:

Urn (I bought mine at Joann's)
Stryofoam ball (Also bought at Joann's)
Moss (Again, Joann's)
Skewers or some kind of sticks
Plant foam for arranging flowers (Joann's, Walmart, Michael's)
Ribbon to tie around the sticks
Fake snow to put in the urn
Hot glue gun and glue

First gauge how far your skewers need to go into the stryofoam ball to achieve your desired height.  Once you know, you can keep your skewers in there.  You're gonna want to put more that a few skewer in there to make sure it's sturdy.

Next, cover the entire ball in moss using the hot glue gun.  I just ripped apart the moss in various parts and glued it on.  Make sure that the plant foam has been wedged into the bottom of the urn.  

Before placing the topiary in the urn, tie the skewers with your ribbon of choice.  Finally stick the topiary in the urn and cover the bottom with fake snow.

Sha-Bam.  Too easy.  I know, that's why I made two.  And because it just looks better with two. 

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