Monday, January 9, 2012


Art by Doug Aitken

This weekend, besides working, I spent time perusing Pinterest and discovering all kinds of new labels, blogs, and gorgeous products.  You may have also noticed the new header.  It too is a result of my discoveries.  The font is called Theresa Becker and can be found over at tackorama.  This site has loads of free vintage font types and old cartoons.  I also found Pugly Pixel, a lovely blog with lots of freebie *blog bling* for all you bloggers out there.  Click here to head over and see all the great things the talented Katrina has created for everyone to use.  You can also purchase a membership which will allow you access to premium *bling*.  

My Pinterest extravaganza extended into the wee hours of the morning today.  Now I want to share all the sweet treasures I stumbled upon.  

My biggest treasure was the discovery of the hellolucky blog and pinterest boards.  These two sisters, Eunice and Sabrina, run this site whilst running a letterpress company in both London and San Fransisco. I can't help but admire their style, not to mention all their pins.  Most of my found lovelies stem from these two ladies' boards.  I am often times gravitating towards all things paper and print, and this time was no different.  I was inspired by these pins:

I went on to discover OhHappyDay, a blog which looks pretty popular but previously not under my radar.  This is a good blog if you dabble in several aspects of design like me.  She has posts on Home Decor, DIY, Party &Wedding, and FREE Printables.  Pictures below are from her blog.

I found TwigandThistle when I oogled at this photo.  This blog has some good stuff and a great post on "tools of the trade."

Around the same time, I came across Scout's Honor Co.  This is another blog with a letterpress company attached at the hip.  I was also very attracted to the photos posted of the Scout's Honor Co. Studio.  Check them out and the other prints by this brand that brings new meaning to an age old clan.

Of the paper companies I came across, Rifle Co. was by far my favorite.  Their sleek and chic designs won me over, especially this botanical notepad and personal stationary

After this post, I encourage you to do some perusing yourself.  Use these photos or go on pinterest and start falling into the rabbit holes of the web.  Enjoy!

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