Friday, November 18, 2011


FRIENDS, this is your last chance! Ok not technically, but real close.

Only 60 hours until the kickstarter project is done! Over. Termina.  El fin.  I don't know done in any other language...


That means less than three days, only 3,600 minutes and 216,000 seconds to get you're butt over to kickstarter to pledge your desired amount.  

Only if you are willing of course.

But just in case you are, that means I still need to raise $739.00 by 11pm on Sunday 11/20 (exactly one month from my birthday in fact) but that's irrelevant.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, follow the link, or read all posts under the tab "25 Days of Projects."  

Short synopsis:  
I would like to create 25 Christmas-relevant projects for the 25 days leading up to (and on) Christmas.  These projects would include cute home decor, homemade gifts, and awesome Christmas cards that you can MAKE.  Each project would come with a post on here about how to make it, cost, and of course pictures of the final project.  My goal is to inspire everyone to stop buying cheesy or expensive Christmas decor and gifts and make something that will be much more special and not to mention that rewarding "yeah, that's right, I made this" feeling.  I want to equip you to make things that are BEAUTIFUL.

But truthfully, my most important goal of all is to remind you daily of why we celebrate this wonderful holiday and the amazing savior that was born to free us all, because who doesn't need to be reminded of that once in awhile?

So, although I hate to just ask people for money, I want you to know the meaningful purpose behind it and understand that if I could financially support it myself I completely and totally would.  Please don't regard me as a pushy, money-seeking stranger, because by no means do I want that picture in your minds.

If you have any questions please email

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