Friday, December 9, 2011

Above the Fireplace

Originally, I planned to write up a different post today.  Then yesterday, my mom sent me a picture of how she had transformed the family photo above our fireplace to a piece of awesome-vintage-looking-Christmas artwork.  We had planned to do something more graphic, with some of Luke 2 in bold letters.  

Then, when I was home for thanksgiving an HGTV show inspired us to create something different but so cool.  I wish I could give proper credit to the show right now but I never found out its name, and I just searched with no luck. Dang it.

Anyways, what I am about to show you is pictures of the finished mantel.  Now, don't get you're undies in a bundle from overwhelming gorgeousness.

I will follow this post with how-tos because basically everything on this mantel is handmade.  Yes.  True Statement.

Ok, now I am being a bit conceded,  it's not that totally awesome cool.

But close.

This is the first picture I took.  Lovely family photo don't you think?  Dont get too attached.

I will post later about making the topiaries, cake stand glass thing that I don't know the name of, those pointy trees, and the lovely garland.

But now, what you came here for:

Do remember the picture is behind it.

Basically what you do is this:

  1. Measure the area you want to cover
  2. Buy a map of the world that is a sufficient size or can be cut down. The one in the picture was bought here, but you can also find cool vintage ones like this one at Etsy
  3. Buy some felt in a color you find most pleasing.
  4. Cut the felt into letters
  5. Glue the letters onto the map
  6. Tape the map to the picture

And voila, a beautiful above the fireplace piece of art.

So easy peasy you shouldn't even be reading this last sentence but rather getting your measuring tape. 

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