Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It's December 1st.

If you are taking a second look at the calendar because Halloween was just last week then you are not alone.  Actually, I wouldn't know; I've been waiting for this beloved month since approximately October 24

At 4:46 pm.

I may not be able to bring you 25 amazing projects, but I can bring you 1.  And maybe some more later.  Today I have a easy and very painless decor project that will brighten (literally) your mantel, wall, banister, or the like.  Originally I found this project on Pinterest.

Lemme tell ya, Pinterest is the place to be.

Anyways, credit due where credit's due: the pic was referred from this blog but originally was *officially made* on this blog

Is all you will need is about 5-6 rolls of ribbon per 50 stranded lights.
Of course you will also need a strand of  Christmas lights.

The total ended up equaling roughly $20. The ribbon dollar bin at Michael's is where it's at.

And here is the ribbon-tied strand of Christmas lights!

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